Energy Audits

Energy Audits are tailored to individual business needs from comprehensive Type 2 audits for large complex businesses (auditing all aspects such as mechanical, electrical, BMS, and various new technologies) to a more low risk/high return focused Type 1 audit for smaller less complex businesses. The outcomes provide a financial “shopping basket” including costs, savings and pay back periods to provide a clear decision-making tool for clients. These reports are also used for obtaining grant money and asset financing.
Energyfocus Pty Ltd
ABN - 58 103 384 354
Energyfocus SEM Pty Ltd
ABN - 80 121 454 359
PO Box 1020 Stirling SA, 5152
Mobile -
0402 965 646 (Phil Edwards)
0499 840 466 (Myles Griffin)
0450 400 335 (Michael Pattie)