About Us

At the helm of affairs at Energyfocus are our key personnel including:
- Co-Directors, Phil Edwards, Henry Michael Pattie & Myles Griffin
- Energy Engineer, Henry Michael Pattie BEng. MBA
- Data Analyst & Administrative Assistant, Nita Istikawati
We employ specialist electrical and mechanical contractors when required.
Phil Edwards
A highly experienced Energy Engineer who has been directly and continuously involved in the energy management field since 1987.
Key Areas of Expertise
Extensive knowledge, experience, and expertise in a broad range of energy management related activities and technologies, including:
- Development of energy and demand management strategies
- Type 1, 2 & 3 energy auditing of commercial and industrial sites in accordance with Australian Standard AS3598
- Demand Management and network tariff evaluations
- NABERS Greenhouse emission and water assessments
- Building Management Systems application and design
- Heating, ventilation and air conditioning technologies & control strategies
- Lighting technologies, control options & strategies
- Energy metering, reporting, and energy savings verification
- Building energy computer modelling
- Application of renewable energy technologies
- Project management
- Energy policy, energy awareness & training
Career Highlights
- Director, Energyfocus Pty Ltd (2002 – current)
- Energy Engineer, TAC Pacific, Adelaide (1999 – 2002)
- NT Government Energy Management Program Manager, Darwin (1987- 1999)
- Undertaken many energy audits and related investigations as an energy engineer. Sites audited include hospitals, schools, prisons, commercial office buildings, warehouses, hotels and clubs, manufacturing facilities, shopping centres, underground railway stations, and Defence bases throughout Australia and Asia
- Succinct and precisely written audit reports enabled clients to win senior management approval for implementation of a range of energy efficient projects
- Certification as an energy auditor under the AIRAH national energy auditor certification scheme in 2002
- Accreditation as an Australian Built Environment Rating System (NABERS) assessor in 2004
- Commercial Building Disclosure (CBD) accredited assessor
Education and Qualifications
- Bachelor of Science
- Masters of Science (Environmental Engineering)
- Certified NABERS and CBD Assessor
Myles Griffin
Over 15 years experience as a Senior Manager in the Energy and Facility Management industries, with overall management of businesses including Finance, Procurement, Sales and Operations.
Key Areas of Expertise
- Energy Brokering
- Tendering and Procurement
- Price and Tender Strategies tailored to each Individual Business
- Energy Regulations
- Facilities Management
- Project Management
- Corporate Strategy Development and Implementation
- Financial Management
Education and Qualifications
- Masters in Business Administration, specialising in corporate, international and financial strategy as well as business innovation and design.
Energyfocus Pty Ltd
ABN - 58 103 384 354
Energyfocus SEM Pty Ltd
ABN - 80 121 454 359
PO Box 1020 Stirling SA, 5152
Mobile -
0402 965 646 (Phil Edwards)
0499 840 466 (Myles Griffin)
0450 400 335 (Michael Pattie)